
Guest Profile

Trish DeRocher Ph.D.

Trish is a 200-hour Bhakti certified yoga instructor, Inner Alignment Coach, certified Biofield Tuner, Reiki II practitioner, social justice advocate, author, former professor, and owner of Transformative Consciousness Coaching and Consulting. Trish works across healing modalities to offer a comprehensive mind, body, spirit approach, and understands individual transformation as the gateway to collective social healing. A forever student, Trish recently completed a community herbalism apprenticeship and is currently completing their 200-hour Ayurveda Immersion Training through The Mahatma School of Ayurveda in Vermont.

In this lifetime, Trish finds expression as a white, non-binary, queer, anti-racist writer, educator, and spiritual activist. Trish currently resides with their family in rural VT where they are becoming quieter and relearning how to listen to nature’s wisdom and rhythms.

Trish grew up in a lower middle class, Irish Catholic family in a conservative, working-class town in Upstate New York. Trish first went to college for Music Therapy, but sensing that the timing wasn’t quite right, rerouted to a community college. Trish went on to receive a B.A. in English Literature with a minor in Gender Studies from Saint Michael's College, an M.A. in English Literature from the University of Vermont, and later a Ph.D. in Feminist Studies from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Trish served as an Assistant Professor of English Literature at SUNY Adirondack and an Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Champlain College before leaving academia in 2019. Trish’s book, Transnational Testimonios: The Politics of Collective Knowledge Production, was published in 2018 through the Decolonizing Feminisms Series at the University of Washington Press.

Trish is a firm believer that more equitable futures are possible only when we are each committed to realizing, and to helping each other become our own best selves; when we transform sources of vulnerability into sources of strength; and when we plant the seeds of a more just world through our daily actions and relationships.
