
Guest Profile

Marcy Neumann

Marcy Neumann, Rev., RN, CHT, RMT, KRM, is a professional Energy Healer, Integrative Intuitive Counselor, Transformational Life Coach, Spiritualist Minister, Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Registered Nurse. Marcy is also a published author, and creator of award-winning manifestation and healing products and programs, including CellpH ( Self ) Love, a self-help health and wellness program.

For over 45+ years Marcy’s professional journey has been guided by her own teachings of energy healing and transformation and the belief that we fulfill our life purpose when we learn how to fully express Love in all we do. 

Her cutting edge proprietary work is among the leading energy healing and transformational processes to create sustained and lasting changes and involves three important steps: Self Love, HeartShifting and Raising Your Vibrational Frequencies.

Marcy helps people all over the world identify and overcome resistance and blocks to their full potential, happiness and health.  She connects on a deep cellular energetic level to help clear unresolved, unforgiven issues and teaches them how to ‘Let Go,’ and HeartShift their perceptions and thinking to one always rooted in Self Love. 

It's Marcy's mission and life purpose to deliver these messages of love and transform lives through energy healing education, teaching empowerment skills and creating tools for personal transformation and change. You can tune in to Marcy’s podcast, and learn more about her and her services at

