
Guest Profile

JoJo Rose

Initiate of Spacious Unknowing Network -
Spacious Unknowing Network was an anomaly to me for most of my life. I was my own worst enemy, living in my head and not my life. I truly believed I was wrong and bad. I was addicted to my pain, nothing or no one else mattered. I hit bottom.

I knew that I had to come home to Hawaii to be in my inner work and quantum entangle with my mother in the Spirit of Truth. It was a soul decision prompted by the word of my mother; I could either continue to move around the mess in my life traveling a long road to transformation or I could come to Hawaii and have my transformation be a direct path.

My decision to move home to Hawaii carried me no matter what it looked or felt like. I had to follow my soul rhythm the same way a mother has to give birth to her baby. What I didn’t know or even begin to understand is the true depth, breadth and width of what I was being called into to transform me from the inside out. I was ready for this change and said Yes to Spacious Unknowing Network.

Spacious Unknowing is a direct path to the beauty and wonder of our soul rhythm. I had to decide to no longer straddle the fence between my old life and my new life. My soul knew what I needed, my little will had no muscle and wanted to stay in the comfort of playing at life. Despite my internal dichotomy, my soul voice called me and guided me to begin reading the first part of my mother’s book, “My Radical Life in Spacious Unknowing.”

The tincture in the written word entered my soul, soothing me and giving me courage to excavate my inner landscape. I began to understand the importance of my decisions, whether unconscious or conscious, impacted my life. My soul stirred in a deep inquiry with a need to know. “Who am I?” “What am I made of?” My life has to have meaning. Tears streamed giving rise to a depth of sorrow for my unconscious decisions that flowed into becoming conscious in the moment. A soul stirring life changing happening.

In beholding my mother’s life, I learned to be thorough in my soul awakening and refreshment. Each day brought new guidance to read other authors whose writings expanded my understanding of what I had already read in my mother’s book. Universal Truth is always the same Truth and made me unafraid of the Truth.

Through this period, I listened to Spacious Unknowing Meditation on Soundcloud three to four times a week. The spoken word of the meditation opened me even deeper. The pauses of the meditation allowed me to feel the noise in my head with swirling thoughts and unkind words. The minute I felt or heard a run on thought or harsh word, I brought them to my heart for stillness and peace to live. I needed to live in the now, present in the moment. My soul rhythm responded and called me to meditate every morning. In meditation, reverence, devotion and love flowed. Spacious Unknowing Network birthed truth and beauty in me to give rise to a new sound and voice. Spacious Unknowing Network is my new life flow and making me conscious of being conscious.
