
Guest Profile

Ginette Hunter

Ginette Hunter is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner who has been studying and applying her passion of this ancient art for almost twenty years. She creates a balance in her designs by incorporating modern and traditional principles.

At the age of five, Ginette was already applying Feng Shui to balance negative and positive effects in her environment. It wasn't until almost twenty years ago Ginette discovered a letter to an editor in a magazine that unlocked what she had been looking for, Feng Shui, the door was opened. The next step was to locate literature and a Master to teach and guide her, something that was not easily accessible in south-eastern Ontario at that time.

Although Ginette became a Certified Practitioner three years ago, Feng Shui is a life time study. She continues her study with Masters in New York City and her practice is located in the Niagara area. Her clients are from varied backgrounds who share a common desired outcome; to seek the benefits of their own environments.

With the guidance of a Feng Shui Practitioner, we can develop a better understanding of our own strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities and challenges in our lives; which allow us to thrive in the most positive surroundings.
