
Guest Profile

Diana Noriega

Diana currently serves as the founding Assistant Executive Director of Anti-Racism and Equity at Good Shepherd Services NYC.  In this role she oversees all of the agency’s internal anti-racism efforts including creating more equitable hiring and promotion policies and practices as well as overseeing the agency’s equity council.  She is developing an Anti-Racism and Equity Institute that will launch in the spring of 2021.


Diana has an interdisciplinary master's degree in Multicultural Education from New York University. 


Ms. Noriega is the owner of The LEAF Way. She consults organizations on the development of their social justice and equity programming and platforms as well as leads empowerment, social and racial justice workshops.  As part of that work, Diana also provides 1:1 leadership and life coaching. 


Diana is passionate about justice and liberation.  She believes that the most transformative work happens at the intersections and aims to support the empowerment of individuals and communities.  She considers herself a lifelong learner and always seeks opportunities to enhance her abilities to meaningfully partner with communities.  To bridge her spiritual beliefs and practices with this work, Diana has attained reiki level 2 and La Ho Chi initiations. 


